Things to consider if you intent to visit a Shopping Mall

Hello friends,

 Who doesn’t love going to a shopping mall… Malls today are not just meant for shopping they have actually become a hangout place. Why people love going to malls? Well, If you were to ask me this question I would say it’s my one stop place where I can buy my groceries, watch a movie, visit a salon, buy my cosmetics, sip a cup of coffee, catch up with friends for lunch or dinner,  go to the pharmacy and also do my general shopping of clothes, shoes and bags. So why would I want to go anywhere else? This saves me my time and I get to do everything what I want to do over my weekend. Every city houses a mall one bigger than the other because they understand that we lead busy lives and would love to have everything available at one place.

So, I am writing a general post about things you may consider if you intent to visit a mall.

1)      This one is for the ladies... Please put your best “footwear” forward... When I say best footwear it simply means wear your most comfortable shoes or sandals when you visit a mall. It just makes your shopping time a happy time. There are times escalators don’t function or may be under maintenance so; doing all that walking in your heels won’t be a pleasant experience.

2)       Heading to a mall on a Saturday or Sunday can be a challenge as quarter of the city’s population would be present there. So, if you are going with a pure intention of shopping then consider making it on a Friday. This way you will eliminate the long queues in front on the trial room or billing counters. Trust me the stores are more than welcoming to their customers during weekdays.. ha-haJ

3)      Off late every single store has started to charge you for a shopping bag. When I happened to ask them their answer was we are discouraging the use of plastic bags then why charge us to sell them why can’t they offer recycled paper bags.. Grrrrr..  so, my suggestion to you all would be carry your own bag from home instead of paying for it. This way you will remember to keep all your things together without losing them.

4)      Never go shopping with a empty stomach as this may bring down your energy levels and you may end up buying things you don’t even like. So keep yourself energized if you are going to a mall. First eat and then shop.

5)      Another important thing to remember when shopping  to take your bill after making the payment and also take a quick look at it by counting the number of items you bought and the no. of items you were billed for and also check for applicable discounts so that you don’t pay extra. Keep your bills safely even after getting home as you may realize that you need an exchange. Exchange of items requires  you to produce your original bill and also retain the price tags and do get them exchanged before the deadline set by the stores exchange policy programme.
6)      You will always see a mad rush in the mall and this makes parking your vehicle a big challenge. As the parking lots are often congested and cramped up you could be sent to the next or the next parking level area example p1, p2 etc.  so, do consider giving the driver’s seat to an experienced driver as the entry to parking levels is very narrow in most of the malls here.

7)      If you are asked to deposit your shopping bags at the entrance of another store do remember to collect them back when you leave their store. This happens so often to me that I forget my stuff and then go back recollecting where I left it… so, don’t be forgetful.

8)      When eating out or having a coffee inside the mall remember to collect your valuables like mobile phones , wallets/handbags. Your phone camouflages with the other things kept on the table so pay good attention before you leave your table. I always can’t seem to find my phone even when it is in front of my eyes…:D

9)       Lastly, keep your parking receipt and parking fees handy before you reach the boom barrier at the time of exit so that you don’t waste your valuable time and also of others.


These thoughts came to my mind from my experiences at the mall. I hope these suggestions would help you in some way or the other. If you have any suggestions that I missed please do drop a comment.

Thanks for reading.


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