Better safe than sorry - Stuff you must know about your cosmetics

Hello everyone,

Buying new makeup is always on my things to do list and I have a taste for expensive makeup and if you are living is India, you don’t have access to the best of makeup that is available in the makeup world. So, for beauty enthusiasts like myself have to either settle for brands that are available at stores near to us, or wait for a foreign trip to fill up bags with beauty and skincare products or have my friends and family entertain my shopping list. But what happens when your favourite product runs out before you could arrange its backup... and that’s what happened with me and I had to go looking for a new product altogether and here’s what happened…

This post is not a product review but a bitter lesson I learnt myself in the process of buying makeup and I believe everyone one of us needs to be aware of the fact that in the charm of buying expensive cosmetics we could be tricked. Read on to know how….

Below is the picture of a foundation I had purchased last month at a famous retail store that is the only destination for fragrances, skincare and cosmetics in India selling high-end international brands.

After my favourite foundation got over I was inclined to buy a new foundation Lingerie De Peau from Guerlain Paris. So, I visited this store and tried out a shade that matched my skin tone and finalized # 31 Ambre pale. I was super excited that I was going to own a luxurious foundation that looked and felt so amazing and what’s great was they had my shade in stock and so I rushed to the billing counter to make the payment and just then I noticed the expiration date on the bottle and it had only 2 months left for its expiry. Oh my Ghosh! I wasn’t going to finish this foundation in the next 2 months for sure so I asked the lady if they could arrange me a bottle from their fresh stock. She said most definitely as they had 2 bottles of it in their warehouse and they belonged to the new stock they had received. I was overjoyed and told her I would come and collect the bottle the coming weekend and requested her to call me and confirm that the product in the warehouse had a distant expiry date and she said she would.

Next day comes and I don’t get a call from her so, the restless me calls the store inquiring about it and they say to me that the girl you spoke to is on leave however, your requested foundation is in stock with an expiry date of 2018. I was relieved to hear that and then came weekend and I brought this beauty home. While I was making the payment and admiring the bottle and its box packaging I was not very happy because it looked rather old and worn out but when I checked for the label it had an expiration date that read 2018 and that’s all I was concerned about.

So, when I came home first thing I did was to open the bottle and test the foundation on my hand and it oozed out like water and that worried me a bit and the fragrant was dull and didn’t smell anything like what the tester foundation I tried at the store did and that raised concern. It rang a bell in my head and I quickly grabbed my phone to check its actual manufacturing and expiration using its batch number.

You will not believe what I saw… It came like a shock to me that I have been tricked by the store. This stuff expired in 2013 and they sold me a foundation that was manufactured in the year 2010.


Next day, I rushed to the store to return the product and told them that I have been cheated and I needed my money back and they asked me for time. As I was travelling there was no way I could give them any time and I insisted that I needed a refund right away and then they unhappily agreed to it. I also told them to sit and check all of their stuff in the store and they might be surprised to know half of it might have already expired. I learnt my lesson and I hope you all are careful too.

The reason I am writing this post is so that each one can be aware that there is a way you can check the products authenticity, expiry and the time left before you should use up the product yourself. Do not rely on the labels or stickers put up by the stores just pick the batch number which is listed near the bar code and check for yourself. I did this after my purchase but I am going to do this before my purchase from now on because this stuff is not cheap and I cannot take a chance with my skin.

In future, for your reference please visit and to make sure you are buying genuine products with their true manufacturing and expiry date.

I hope my post helps you girls too.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Hey ravs! Honestly your incident really opened my eyes. And thanks for sharing it darling.

    1. Ya fio.. It was a shocking experience. I am glad I could figure it out.

  2. Good post Ravs
    The experience u have gone through , nobody should go through
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Hey Kri, I agree and that is why this post. Everyone should be aware that these things can happen.

  3. Thanks for the info. Very helpful.

    1. You're most welcome Yazhini. glad to know it was helpful.

  4. Yikes, that's really scary actually! Unfortunately I've heard of similar things happening in Sephora as well.

    1. It's very unfortunate that such things are happening at such reputed stores in India and I wonder nobody is taking any action against them. I have heard people discuss this on other blogs that India has become a dumping ground for such products and that is a shame.


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